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The Secrets to Mastering the High Ground in Fortnite

The Secrets⁢ to ​Mastering the High Ground in Fortnite

Fortnite has ‌actually turned into one of the most popular Fortnite video games‌ of ⁢perpetuity. ⁣Gamers have actually invested‌ numerous hours fighting‍ it out⁣ in the ​virtual world, however among the most essential things to solve is mastering the⁢ High Ground. Taking control of the high ‌ground can offer your group a significant benefit, however it takes practice and ‌noise method to do it well. Here are the⁢ tricks to mastering the high ground in Fortnite.

Pick the⁤ Right Spot

The first step in becoming a master of the high ground is deciding where that ground should be. You can find high ground at various spots across the world, but they are not all created equal. Goal-oriented planning can help you make the most of your advantageous starting position.⁣ Try out a few different places until you find the one that suits you best.

Know Your Enemy

Knowing your opponent’s strategy is the next step. It is essential to anticipate your opponent’s movement and position before attempting to take advantage of the high ground. Pay attention to noises and other visual cues to anticipate incoming attack patterns and get ready to counter them.

Make one of the ‍most out of Cover

Another secret to making the most of the high ground is to make the most out ‍of cover. Hiding is vital ‌to making it ‍through a⁤ fight,⁤ and it⁢ can be an⁤ excellent method ⁤ to benefit ⁢from the greater ground.⁤ Search ⁤for cover with a ⁢great view so you can take shots from ⁤a safe and stable position. Props can likewise make excellent cover, so make the most of them when you can.

Stay ⁢Mobile

When you obtain ‌the high ground, it’s crucial to remain mobile. Keep walking around to puzzle your challengers and get the tactical benefit. Remaining mobile likewise permits you to move your position if the circumstance modifications or if you ⁣require to rearrange. This likewise permits you to‌ survive‍ longer and ultimately win ⁤the match.


In Fortnite, learning to master the high ground can be challenging, but with the right strategy and lots of practise, anyone can become a pro.Make sure you pick the right spot, know your opponent, use cover effectively, and keep moving. If you follow these guidelines, you’ll be well on your way to being a Fortnite “master of the high ground.”

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