With Minecraft being a popular game, many have wondered how much RAM is needed to play the game. It is recommended to have at least 2GB of RAM in order to comfortably play the game on your device.
Handling Lag Spikes in Minecraft
Encountering lag spikes in Minecraft can be frustrating. Thankfully, there are ways to identify and address the causes behind them. Learn how to identify and address lag spikes to ensure a smooth gaming experience.
A Beginner’s Guide to Minecraft: Tips & Tricks for New Players
Why is Minecraft Using So Much CPU?
Minecraft is a powerful and widely-used game, but it has the potential to consume an excessive amount of computer’s CPU. This can cause performance issues and slow down your PC. Understanding why this is happening can help you take steps to reduce the load on your CPU.
Bewitching in Minecraft: Transferring to a Book
Step into the world of magic with enchanting in Minecraft! Players can now transfer their enchantments from an item to a book with a few simple steps!
Leaving a Boat in Minecraft
Getting out of a boat in Minecraft is easy! All you need to do is press the ‘dismount’ key – usually defaulted to the ‘Space’ bar. And you’ll be out of the boat and ready to explore!
What Polar Bears Eat in Minecraft
Polar bears commonly inhabit snowy biomes in Minecraft, and feed mainly on cod and salmon. They can also occasionally be seen eating some types of vegetation.
Eliminating Water in Minecraft: A Step-by-Step Guide
Ready to build the perfect oasis? Follow our step-by-step guide to removing water in Minecraft and start creating the perfect paradise today!
Just How Much Storage Does Minecraft Require?
Do you know how much storage space you need to play Minecraft? In this article, we’ll explore how much storage you need to enjoy playing your favorite world-building game.
Ice Bucket Challenge: Minecraft Edition
Millions of supporters worldwide have taken part in the Ice Bucket Challenge, but now Minecraft players can join in, too! With the new Minecraft Edition of the IBC, players can experience a cool adventure and help support people with ALS.